This Madi­son, Wis­con­sin duo's sec­ond LP de­liv­ers more of their very own brand of mod­er­ate­ly De­vo-fied, catchy lit­tle Garage-, Post Punk and Pow­er Pop con­structs with some added Wire-es­que mo­ments. What still came across as a bit samey and over­pow­er­ing on the first record has gained a lot in class and ma­tu­ri­ty on this one - not least thanks to tons more va­ri­ety - call­ing to mind groups as di­verse as Pow­er­plant, Andy Hu­man & The Rep­toids, Nick Nor­mal, Smirk, Dele­tions, Why Both­er?, Iso­tope Soap and Erik Ner­vous.