Re­peat­ed­ly the Berlin group fea­tur­ing mem­bers of, among oth­ers, Use­less Eaters, Id­io­ta Civl­iz­zat­to, Ex­it Group und Clock Of Time de­liv­ers the goods of elab­o­rate­ly con­struct­ed, slight­ly deathrock-in­fused post punk grooves, with Clock Of Time be­ing the most ob­vi­ous com­par­i­son among the groups men­tioned as these folks do in­deed play some vari­ant of what i can't help but clas­si­fy as quite tra­di­tion­al Berlin school of the past decade-plus, scratch­ing a sim­i­lar itch to bands like Pi­geon, Li­iek, Diät, Pret­ty Hurts… Not that i'd con­sid­er that to be a bad thing at all. Quite the con­trary - af­ter all, "Berlin sound" wouldn't be a thing re­al­ly if it hadn't been built up over the years to em­body such a con­sis­tent lega­cy of im­pec­ca­ble qual­i­ty re­leas­es.