Ex­cel­lent shit as usu­al via To­tal Punk. This New York group's de­but LP cer­tain­ly won't open a new chap­ter for pitch black post punk, yet it man­ages to cap­ti­vate nonethe­less, by means of sheer force and in­ten­si­ty rather than fi­nesse, charg­ing up a sound fa­mil­iar to fans of, say, Crim­i­nal Code, Sieve­head or Rank/​Xerox with a raw en­er­gy akin to At­lanta groups Nag and Preda­tor, some of the psy­che­del­ic un­der­cur­rents of stuff á la Pub­lic In­ter­est, Waste Man or Pub­lic Eye.