Pointy Sticks, the un­ex­pect­ed­ly melod­ic open­er of this Char­lotte, Car­oli­na group's de­but cas­sette, kin­da sounds like what i'd ex­pect if weirdo garage punk out­fit Print Head were to record a hard­core record. The rest of the tape re­mains beau­ti­ful­ly ec­cen­tric too, mix­ing old­school hard­core thrills with catchy garage hooks and, at times, the odd old­school hard rock or doom riff, the lat­ter sug­gest­ing stuff like Para­noise as a com­par­i­son. Oth­er times, you might liken them to some Con­nie Voltaire hard­core project or the re­cent Hip­py­fuck­ers de­mo, all of that steeped in a rough fi­deli­ty akin to any ran­dom Deluxe Bias or Im­po­tent Fe­tus re­lease.