Sei­te A


Shame Al­pha­bet
Ray Gun Sean­ce
Ran­cher Head Crash
Black­lis­ters White Pia­no
Shif­ting Spud­gasm
Wax Chat­tels Yo­ko­ha­ma
Girls In Syn­the­sis Pres­su­re
TOL Col­lapsing
Wort­lis Quo­zo Это Не Я
Chainshot Vic­tim Soul
GAG Mad Dog
Laun­dry Boys Mus­tard Mons­ter
True Sons Of Thun­der Toob Sock
Chi­co Per­ro Es­tamos Me­jor Que Nun­ca
Other Half Trance Sta­te
Ro­lex Stripes
Lan­dow­ner Be­ing Told You’re Wrong
Re­mo­te Con­trol Sub­ject
Ok Sa­tán It Is To­day (Be­lie­ve It)
Yam­me­rer Boa Con­stric­tor
The Ar­chae­as Rea­li­ty Com­man­der

Sei­te B


Bran­dy (Wish You Was) Mad­ball Ba­by
Speed Week Phis­hing
Mo­th Work
Iso­to­pe Soap The Hap­piest Kid on Earth
Erik Ner­vous Toil Is Stu­pid
Di­gi­tal Lea­ther Com­pass
I Am The Fly Axolotl
Tor Wi­fi Head
Di­ode To­mo­thy
Bor­ky!! Post Punk
Pro­vo Ih­ml
Es­ca­re On­ly Li­ves
Neo Ne­os Big Chin
Ru­ben Ri­ley Dead Man's Ro­cket
Ex-White My Love, The Rock
Gee Tee Mu­tant World
Sin­kin' Fee­lings Gim­me The Look
Sa­ta­nic To­gas Hit #69
Va­guess Mask of Va­ni­ty
Si­li­co­ne Va­lues Nu­clear Sun
To­ner Un­der the Gun