Punching Swans - 1234 Gameshow

Gameshow re­leas­es Ju­ly 29th via Sk­ingasm Records.

Kitchen's Floor - Haunted Houses

None Of That is to be re­leased soon™ via Pet­ty Bun­co & Eter­nal Sound­check.

The Slow Death - Make 'Em Go Away

Ca­su­al Majesty re­leas­es Ju­ly 8th via Rad Girl­friend Records.

Dust Star - Nothing In My Head

Open Up That Heart re­leas­es Au­gust 5th via Lame-O Records.

The Dumpies - Commotion

Rober­to Clemente re­leas­es Ju­ly 15th via Hov­er­craft Records.

Coax - Dumbland

Ohyda - Kompführer

Pan Bóg Spełni Wszys­tkie Prag­nienia Lewaków​.​.​. I Do­jdzie Do Katas­tro­fy! re­leas­es June 24th via La Vi­da Es Un Mus Dis­cos.

Mock Execution - Calm In The Chaos

Killed By Mock Ex­e­cu­tion re­leas­es June 24th via La Vi­da Es Un Mus Dis­cos.

The Umbrellas - Write It In The Sky

Write It In The Sky 7" re­leas­es June 24th via Slum­ber­land Records.

3D & The Holograms - VR Execution

Pro­mo EP re­leas­es June 6th via Good­bye Boozy Records.