An­oth­er rock sol­id batch of rhyth­mic post punk gym­nas­tics by some usu­al sus­pects of the Berlin scene. Sound-wise it won't get more Berlin-es­que than this and you al­so might call Li­iek a bit of a one-trick pony, how­ev­er, that par­tic­u­lar trick still works ad­mirably on me and has nev­er been done with such pre­ci­sion en­gi­neer­ing by this group be­fore. Think of a mix be­tween Pi­geon, Diät, Neg­a­tive Space, In­sti­tute and Nag, boiled down to their raw es­sen­tials. Blah blah "con­cise vi­sion" or some­thing, i guess…