A ridicu­lous­ly ap­peal­ing and thrilling work, the de­but LP by this Los An­ge­les Group. Elab­o­rate and in­tri­cate con­structs of dark, song-ori­ent­ed post punk with some psy­che­del­ic un­der­cur­rents, to­tal­ly time­less and yet car­ry­ing the hall­marks of so much of what has kept me and this blog busy in the past decade-plus. Wire cir­ca Chairs Miss­ing and the '60s Pink-Floyd-isms of Paint Thin­ner or The Blinds come to mind in epic pieces like Blood­ing, Slang Word and the ti­tle track Mag­net­ic Point while Ap­a­thy, at least in the be­gin­ning, smells a bit of Mem­branes, Swell Maps, ear­ly Mekons, '80s The Fall and Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles. Ju­bilee some­how evokes the com­bined traits of a tri­fec­ta of At­lanta groups - Nag, Preda­tor and Wymyns Prysyn. I just can't stop name­drop­ping shit re­al­ly as i'm re­mind­ed so much more awe­some stuff - think the likes of Mar­bled Eye, Waste Man, Pub­lic Eye, In­sti­tute, Rank/​Xerox, Pub­lic In­ter­est, Neg­a­tive Gears, VR Sex, B Boys, Cre­ative Adult, Pyrex… this is dense shit through­out!