Class from Tuc­son, Ari­zona de­liv­er their strongest re­lease so far via the seem­ing­ly in­fal­li­ble Feel It Records. Their where­abouts cer­tain­ly make The Res­onars come to mind and in­deed their mas­ter­mind Matt Ren­don has been in­volved in the pro­duc­tion and fur­ther sim­i­lar­i­ties can be drawn in their some­what british in­va­sion-fu­eled brand of slight­ly psy­che­del­ic brand of garage rock, jan­gle- and pow­er pop. Class, how­ev­er, deal in a way more straight­for­ward and rougher-edged garage punk sound - the over­all vibe of Burn­ing Cash wouldn't feel out of place on the re­cent Strange At­trac­tor LP.