it took them a while but fi­nal­ly this Austin, Texas group's de­but al­bum has reached our shores and oh boy, is this a rare spec­ta­cle wild­ly sur­pass­ing any ex­pacta­tions i might've had for this one. Their sound is clear­ly and heav­i­ly in­spired by cer­tain parts of the SST Records era, prime among these be­ing the folk-/amer­i­cana-in­fused punk rock of Angst, ear­ly Meat Pup­pets and Min­ute­men while at the same time you might find bits and pieces of Sac­cha­rine Trust, ear­ly Di­nosaur Jr. or Mis­sion Of Bur­ma in there and in more re­cent years, cer­tain as­pects of this lin­eage have been kept alive by a di­verse clus­ter acts such as Milk Mu­sic, Chronophage, Dead Finks, Dhar­ma Dogs and The Molds. Or Woolen Men, just maybe, if you stretch your imag­i­na­tion a bit.