Kick­ass me­chan­i­cal post punk from Cleve­land, Ohio. From the very first notes it doesn't take much of a ge­nius to fig­ure the ob­vi­ous in­volve­ment of Know­so mem­bers and it ap­pears there are al­so con­nec­tions to Cru­el­ster, among oth­ers. While Know­so stay the most ob­vi­ous com­par­i­son here, there's al­so a slight sem­blance of At­lanta rip­pers Nag and Preda­tor. At oth­er times the're branch­ing out in­to a Wire-es­qe vibe as in Cut Ups while The Old Way bears some sim­i­lar­i­ty to the bad-trip cow­punk of Mur­der­er.