The full length de­but of this Lon­don group is a per­fect storm of de­light­ful­ly off-the-rails hard- and post­core, of­ten per­me­at­ed with un­ex­pect­ed­ly melod­ic sub­cur­rents and at first glance kin­da play­ing out like a mid­dle ground be­tween weird­core pow­er­house Warm Bod­ies and fel­low some­one-and-the-some­things group Judy and the Jerks… but theres more than just that go­ing on here with mo­ments rem­i­nis­cent of an eclec­tic clus­ter of am­bi­tious hard­core groups á la Acrylics, Cri­sis Man, Mur­der­er, Kalei­do­scope or Straw Man Army.