Side A


Full Toi­let Taco Has Her Say (ft. Taco)
Easy Ego I'm The Best
Sa­tan­ic To­gas Strange At­trac­tion
Dog Date High Beams
Chub­by and the Gang Light­ning Don't Strike Twice
Anx­ious Pleasers Er­rand Boy
The Gobs 2083 Ad
Zoids Run­ning Man
Maske Schießgewehr
Big Chun­gus A Re­al Kick In The Sax
Dee Bee Rich De­stroy
Die A.R.D. Biathlon
Main­frame RIP
Egg Id­iot Where Are My Bugs
Piz­za Boys (This Is) Piz­za Pow­er
Mesh Com­pa­ny Jeep
Neigh­bor­hood Brats All Nazis Must Die

Side B


De­tes­ta­dos Coro­na
Kerø Frus­trat­ed Youth
Il­lit­er­ates Ur­ban Hill­bil­ly
Cut­ters Aus­tralian War Crimes
Dis­tan­cia Es­ta­dos
Seu­rat Maail­man­lop­pu alkaa Oulus­ta
Las Hiedras Piña
Fugi­tive Bub­ble Grotesque
QB Поток
The Worm Re­duc­er The One To Me
Trz­pi­ot Chy­ba Ty
John (Timest­wo) A Song For Those Who Speed In Built-Up Ar­eas
Needles/​/​Pins The Tyran­ny of Com­forts
Vaguess GueSt List to Heav­en
Dumb­ells Clear
UV-TV Dis­tant Lul­la­by