Al­ready hav­ing a bunch of strong EPs un­der their belt, Mi­ni Skirt of By­ron Bay, Aus­tralia are now de­liv­er­ing their first LP. Of course they do have a few more bones to pick, find­ing ex­pres­sion in some of their most pissed off lyrics to date, while on the mu­si­cal side of things, we get all the good­ness fa­mil­iar from their EPs and more… Garage Punk/​Pub Rock some­what sim­i­lar to Dumb Punts, Pissed Id­iots or WOD, that coun­ter­bal­ances its com­par­a­tive­ly re­laxed pace with a vig­or­ous per­for­mance, this time even re­luc­tant­ly ex­pand­ing their styl­is­tic palette with oc­ca­sion­al flash­es of old­school late 80's/early 90s in­die rock.