Here's yet an­oth­er pair of mod­er­ate­ly egg-re­lat­ed small fry in the form of two new dig­i­tal (?) 2-track sin­gles. First off there's Min­neapo­lis garage punks Liq­uid Lunch de­liv­er­ing two ex­cel­lent new blasts on a fuck­ing hol­i­day-themed re­lease in fuck­ing April which then again, i'd say is ac­tu­al­ly one of the most egg things pos­si­ble to do. Then, there's al­so a new re­lease by Mel­bourne DIY ma­gi­cian Bil­liam which un­sur­pris­ing­ly doesn't dis­ap­point ei­ther. The ti­tle track in­deed ap­pears to take some cues from Jack­son Reid Brig­gs and his cur­rent band Split Sys­tem in par­tic­u­lar.