Shit is hap­pen­ing in my life right now and i'm not quite sure yet if it's of the good, bad or ques­tion­able kind. Any­way, my usu­al sched­ule is gonna be screwed up for the next cou­ple weeks so all you get this week­end is an­oth­er mix­tape and i'll try to do some more blog posts lat­er this week… fin­gers crossed.

Ze­ro Bars Heist
Wes­ley & The Boys Jail, Again
Lack­ey I Think I've Had It
Crache Homme
Chain Whip Re-De­cap­i­tat­ed
Head­cheese Who's Got The Milk
El Nu­cli Budells
Char­lie Tan­gos Dont Get Caught
Plea­sure Twist
Golpe Dirit­to Di Obbe­dire
Moth­er Na­ture Weights In The Base­ment

An­kle Grab­ber Vile Hands Reach­ing
Drýsild­jö­full Skelfir
Caco­gens Corpse Eater
Nin­ja Sword He con­quers… Alone!
Me­dia Puz­zle Re­al Man
O.R.C Goid
Mag­got House Mu­tant Pub
Sa­tan­ic To­gas Split Per­son­al­i­ty
Check­point Ice Sum­mit
Rob­bie Thun­der Rock N Roll Bed­time

Cu­ti­cles Mat­tress 2
Wimps Mind Read­er
Canned Snakes 1k Cuts
Erik Ner­vous Went Deaf
Cher­ry Cheeks Hard Stanc­ing
New Vogue Il­lu­sions
Sick Thoughts (I'm A) Hell­rais­er

Ony­on Dog­man
Sín­te­sis Bom­ba al Par­la­ment
Armin Door­bell
Chon­cy De­fault
Pepetapia Es­cu­pos Con Tier­ra
Lounge Tourist F.C.
In­sti­tute Where's It Go?