Lethal Weapon Big Pos
Surge Tossed Aside
Geeked Freak City
V.D. (I Wan­na) Psy­chot­ic Break
Ci­ca­da Self Pu­rifi­ca­tion
Slant De­ject­ed
Hez Niños Ma­l­os
Wet Spec­i­mens Cursed Eth­ic
Colony·drop 戦争屋の幽霊
Dogs of Eter­ni­ty Cos­mic Geno­cide
Redact­ed How You Feel
Neg­a­tive World Sta­tus Ob­so­lete
Re­jek­ts Para­noid

In­sane Urge No Sense
Sweep­ers This Dirty House
Abort­ed Tor­toise Mal­prac­tice
Dee­beat Ra­mone Beat The Bea­t­les
Ghoulies Self-Help
Sprgrs Mick­ey Mouse Me Ha Mor­di­do
Hos­tile Blitz All Will Per­ish
Baghed Big Ol' Ego
Daugh­ter Bat & The Lip Stings Mi­lo The Dog
Dirty Ass Mas­tur­basi Pem­bangkang Delu­sion­al
Sa­tan­ic To­gas Dig­i­tal Word
Theee Re­tail Simps Jumpin Jack Off
Vir­von Var­von Voic­es

Telekri­men Him­no a la ban­da
Bil­liam Out On Med­ica­tion
Завірюга Змія У Штанях
Os­ees Goon
Cry­ing Los­er Wet Grip
Edg­ing Fear Cow­boy
Nurse Joy Com­fort­able
Hevrat Ha'Hashmal שוק על ירך (Shin on Thigh)
Cork­er H.E.

Gas Kun­st 101.4
The Present Age Cut Twice
Mother's Milk Omi­nous Crea­ture
Tube Al­loys Com­put­er Love Again
Gym Ton­ic Play Dead
Vin­tage Crop Spring­time
Katar­si Heri­das
SGATV Brain, Not OK