Big Bop­per Gold Dig­gers Man­i­festo
Cut­ters Mid­night Bus
De­odor­ant Top
Urn Pink Dice
Deficit Deficit
Dye Un­der Pres­sure
Doms Mod­el Head
Fast Food De­sen­si­tized

Lap­pen Nackt im Keller
Liq­uids Fuck Up
Cher­ry Cheeks D.A.C.
3D & The Holo­grams MS-DOS
Smirk Mi­nus­cule Amounts
Dudd Dilem­ma Fig­ure It Out
Mononeg­a­tives My­oclonic
Re­al­i­ty Sus­pend­ed

Ma­ni­ac Chance
Laugh­ing Gear New Es­tate
Daisy Daisy Tooth­fairy
Con­stant Cold War Swarm
Rider/​Horse Tremo­lo Harm
John (timest­wo) Sta­di­um Of No

Night­watch­ers Their Turn Try­ing to Rule the World
Al­gara Economía
Mess Traidores
C.O.F.F.I.N City Sun
Dead Finks (My Hu­man) Ex­tinc­tion
Mi­ni Skirt Diy Night­mare