…12XU is tak­ing a break right now and will con­tin­ue to do so for an­oth­er 2-3 weeks. This is for the sim­ple rea­son that i'm re­lo­cat­ing to some small and cozy shack just across the Rhine riv­er, a few miles deep­er in­side the busy Ruhr area. Now i need to get some shit done and since get­ting shit done ain't ex­act­ly my forte (and al­so to pro­tect my own men­tal health, which has be­come a rather frag­ile moth­er­fuck­er in re­cent times), i'll take all the time i need and let this blog hi­ber­nate for the time be­ing. To sat­is­fy your ad­dic­tion, you might wan­na check out some oth­er higly rec­om­mend­ed places in the mean­time. 12XU will re­sume reg­u­lar ac­tiv­i­ty some­time around late Feb­ru­ary, or ear­ly March at the very lat­est. See you noise cow­boy!