Chalk - Root By Root

Neo­pho­bia re­leases Ju­ly 22nd via Post Pre­sent Me­di­um.

Eddie and the Subtitles - American Society

Ske­le­tons in the Clo­set er­scheint am 1. Ju­li auf Sloven­ly Re­cor­dings.

The Sheaves - Hit Silly

Ex­cess De­ath Cult Time er­scheint am 23. Au­gust auf Moo­ne Re­cords.

Hurry Up - You Just Wait

Dis­mal Nitch er­scheint am 24. Ju­ni auf Co­me­dy Mi­nus One.

Lollygagger - Sick Semper

To­tal Par­ty Kill er­scheint am 27, Ju­ni auf What's For Break­fast? Re­cords.