Power Pants I Got­ta Get In Shape
Bil­liam Cog Stuck
NTSC>PAL Sug­ges­ti­ve Rex
Die Elec­tric Anus Sp­lig­gi­ty Splat (My Feet Are On Fire)
D. Sab­lu Stuck in a Rut
Dirt Su­cker Bana­na Peel Brief­ca­se
Ham­mer and the Tools T-1000
Sou­thern Crustace­an Dead CE­Os
The Gobs I Ha­te This Place
Pri­mi­ti­ve Fuck­ing Bal­lers Nu­clear Atro­phy
To­tal Sham Keep It Rol­lin'
In­ver­te­bra­tes Ba­ted Breath
Boot­li­cker Red Ser­ge
Pol­lu­te Ni­te
Ma­li­gnant Or­der Dis­gu­i­se

Che­mi­cal Th­re­at Pres­su­re
Bad Image Re­al World
Gri­pe Duen­des
Hood Rats In­ter­ven­ti­on
Di­rect Th­re­at Fo­re­ver Fight­ing
Ju­dy And The Jerks Good Time
Snoo­per I Think I’m Fal­ling In Luv Again
Eye Ball Vio­lins
Shit­ty Life Just A Guy
Boun­ce House Pop Rox
Ber­mu­da Squa­res Don't Wan­na Go Out­side
Gus Bald­win Re­li­ef
Vir­tu­al Com­bat Ex­cess Ac­cess
Cool Guy Club Shit Fee­lings
Au­to­bahns Loss Of The Rights

Shel­lac I Don't Fear Hell
Lu­xu­ry Apart­ments Lu­xu­ry Apart­ments
Or­chid Club Life Ta­kes Time
Work Stress Re­sur­rec­ted
An­ci­ent Lights But what about the child­ren?
Cut­ters Frail In The Mind
Ple­xi Stad Si­ren Dance
Man­ta­Ro­chen Re­flec­tion
Eyelash Ap­pa­rent

Pyrex Sleep The­ra­py (De­mo)
Roll­trep­pe Schüs­se
Tip­ping Points Ope­ra­te Ac­ce­le­ra­te
Cray­on Cats La­bra­dor
Par­do­ner In­stru­ment of Peace
Si­li­co­ne Va­lues Spi­rit of the Age
Neu­trals Wish You We­re He­re
Ne­on Lies Teen