Black Li­zard Kill­fi­re
Pha­seli­cker Make De­af
Te­le­sa­tan I Am Weak
Aca­de­my Or­der Vic­tu­als
Pi­ge­on Per­ma­net Quest
Cult Ob­jects Sea Foam
Soft Should­er Old Kinds of Kicks

Am­bu­lanz Fa­mi­ly
O.R.C Don­key
The Black Gloves Pro­to­tem­pla­te
Las­sie On­kel Ma­ik
Doc Flip­pers Ter­ri­ble II
Li­thics Na­tu­re Ob­ser­va­ti­on Po­em

The Clue Pa­na­so­nic
Clut­te­red Grot­to Na­sal Spray
3D & The Ho­lo­grams VR Exe­cu­ti­on
Nohz­dy­ve Sweet Dreams
Dumps­ter Rats Ra­bid
Klint Brahm­sea
Snoo­per Town To­pic
Fried E/​M Life­style Creep
Exxxon Con­no­co
An­droid Not By Faith But By Sight

S.H.I.T. The War On You
Scab Breath Gi­ve Me My Gun Back
OK Sa­tán Looks Li­ke Shit
Brund­le Dial To­ne
The Exe­cu­ted Shock Sta­te
Graw­li­xes Fa­tal Wan­king
The Uglies Wish My Life Was Mo­vie
Life Forms Com­plex
Green/​Blue Away