Sei­te A


Mo­de­cen­ter Grease
Me­al Ani­ma­tor
Big Bop­per Math Show
Re­ar­ran­ged Face Histo­ry Of Things To Co­me
The Frea­k­ees The Midd­le
Los Blobs Asal­to
Ly­s­ol C-4
Foil Rat King
Kre­tin Bay Of Fakes
Μπριτζολιτσεσ Μη (Don't)
Debt Cult South­port Shar­pest Wea­pons
D. Sab­lu So Sor­ry
The Lip­s­chitz Squab­b­le
Cre­dit Bu­reau Dou­ble Wi­de
Spie­lo Spar­schwein
Ra­ke­te Fehl­start Brüs­sel 2057
Mo­no­bur­ro Bien­ve­ni­dxs a la Nue­va Era
Thee He­ar­ses Space In­va­der
Slim­ex Pres­su­re
C.H.I.M.P Slug

Sei­te B


Up­per Wilds Love Song #5
Va­ca­ti­on VFTA
Psy­chic Flowers Co­ming to Coll­ect
Dog He­a­ven Slip Away
Cuello La Re­si
Ton­gues of Fire Numb
Old Moon Past Li­ves
DDR Li­mi­t­ed Lia­bi­li­ty
Cho­ke Boy Old Block
Retrea­ters So­me­thing Grows He­re
The Tubs Two Per­son Love