Sei­te A


Black Pus Hey Cree­pers
Nus­idm Con­trol­led By A Plant
Su­per Cheap Bus­ted
Night Lunch Sca­ry Car
Me­at Wa­ve For Sa­le
Off Peak Ar­son Gar­b­a­ge­head
Ske­le­ton Glove Boo­ze Ghoul
Ca­nal Ir­re­al Man­ar­chist
Psi­co Ga­lera No Ma­ni­festo
DEB5000 Rats
Chain Whip Lagu­na Bleach
Boot­li­cker Hun­ting
Pol­lu­ter Burn The Ca­ge
CB Wi­fe
ICD10 Hol­low Words
Di­rect Th­re­at Stand and Fight
Yu­go Ren­di­ción
Bug Bi­te Free
Pis­ces Dis­as­ter Dis­as­ter
New Adults Neigh­bor
Bzdet Zie­mia

Sei­te B


Astu­te Pa­la­te A Litt­le Pro­of
Sci­en­tists Out­si­der
Pearie Sol Re­al Hap­pi­ness
Du­ring Birds of Ju­neau
No­mos 751 To Ka­no­ni­ko
Mo­no­ne­ga­ti­ves Vi­si­on Out Scope
Rub­ber Room Che­mi­cal Im­ba­lan­ce
Shit Kni­fe Cher­ry Coke Sum­mer
Ca­vi­ty Boy Jo­siah
La­xis­me L'étau
The Gobs Brea­king Bot­t­les (In The Street)
The Dir­tie­st Ro­bot
Lids Fur­ni­tu­re
Pi­ge­on Re­fu­se To Obey
Ce­men­to No Am­bi­ti­on
Fake Nu­des Cin­na­mon Ja­de /​ Bet­ter Bil­ly Jo­el
Sweet Tee­th Acid Rain