Tee Vee Repairman - What's On TV

Not long af­ter the re­cent 7" on Good­bye Boozy Records we get the first LP of Sydney's Tee Vee Re­pair­man on that oth­er garage punk pow­er­house la­bel To­tal Punk. As you might've guessed this is an­oth­er juicy treat of sim­ple and stu­pid melod­ic garage punk and pow­er pop de­light well suit­ed for fans of shit like Bad Sports, Tom­my and the Com­mies and Bed Wet­tin' Bad Boys while of the dude's own oth­er projects, you might be most re­mind­ed of a sug­ar-coat­ed ver­sion of Sa­tan­ic To­gas or re­cent R.M.F.C..

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Class - But Who's Reading Me?

Class from Tuc­son, Ari­zona de­liv­er their strongest re­lease so far via the seem­ing­ly in­fal­li­ble Feel It Records. Their where­abouts cer­tain­ly make The Res­onars come to mind and in­deed their mas­ter­mind Matt Ren­don has been in­volved in the pro­duc­tion and fur­ther sim­i­lar­i­ties can be drawn in their some­what british in­va­sion-fu­eled brand of slight­ly psy­che­del­ic brand of garage rock, jan­gle- and pow­er pop. Class, how­ev­er, deal in a way more straight­for­ward and rougher-edged garage punk sound - the over­all vibe of Burn­ing Cash wouldn't feel out of place on the re­cent Strange At­trac­tor LP.

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Silicone Values - Bystander Apathy /​ When The Future Seems Futile

It took the Bris­tol group just shy of a year to come up with the newest in­stall­ment in their, so far, ab­solute­ly spec­tac­u­lar and flaw­less run of (dig­i­tal) sin­gles. I'm glad to an­nounce that i've got noth­ing new to say about this one - these two tunes are yet an­oth­er mas­ter­class of melod­ic post punk and pow­er pop songcraft with clear echoes of Buz­zcocks, Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties, Mekons and many more arte­facts of pre­dom­i­nant­ly british DIY punk his­to­ry.

Another round of boozy…

A thor­ough­ly high qual­i­ty new batch of 7"s and even a CD from the ever re­li­able ital­ian garage punk in­sti­tu­tion Good­bye Boozy Records.
Tee Vee Re­pair­man is yet an­oth­er project of Ish­ka Ed­meades who you might al­so know from acts such as Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Set-Top Box, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Gee Tee, Re­mote Con­trol, Main­frame… this dude seems to be in pret­ty much any­thing out of the Warttman or­bit and be­yond that. Let's just say dude's been's a con­stant fix­ture on this blog in re­cent years and will sure crop up many more times be­cause every­thing he touch­es tends to be­come in­stant garage punk and pow­er pop gold.
A dif­fer­ent beast al­to­geth­er is the 7" by Wayne Pain & The Shit Stains, a sim­ple & stu­pid at­tack of de­cid­ed­ly old­school fuzzed-out garage punk with that clas­sic rock­a­bil­ly edge to it.
Speak­ing of rock­a­bil­ly… Qin­qs have a touch of that go­ing on too, al­though in their case it reeks less of The Cramps and more of The Fall - The Great White Won­der might as well be called How i re-wrote Elas­tic Man - as well as more re­cent oc­cur­rences á la Shark Toys, Ex Cult, Par­quet Courts or The UV Race.
The newest tape by the mys­te­ri­ous Zoids then is an­oth­er en­dear­ing­ly ec­cen­tric treat of min­i­mal­ist elec­tro-/space-/garage punk trans­port­ing more than just a lit­tle bit of a Sui­cide-meets-Met­al Ur­bain /​ Dr. Mix and the Remix vibe. Al­so: Yeah, fuck vinyl 'cos the fu­ture be­longs to the com­pact disc bro.
Dadgad's tracks then serve as the per­fect tran­si­tion be­tween the afore­men­tioned elec­tric space punk stylings and the op­po­site half of a 7" fea­tur­ing - yet again - that dude known as Zhoop… or was it Feed? Djinn? Brun­dle maybe? I don't care re­al­ly it's all good shit!

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Decomisos La Toledana - Quinquidemo

Dan­ger­ous­ly catchy Lo-Fi garage punk and pow­er pop from Madrid, kin­da chan­nel­ing the strengths of oth­er span­ish acts of late, most ob­vi­ous­ly among those would be Prison Af­fair, Be­ta Max­i­mo and Fi­nale while in­ter­na­tion­al acts á la Nuts, R.M.F.C. or or Sa­tan­ic To­gas aren't too far off ei­ther.

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Mo Troper - MTV

Whoa, i didn't re­al­ly ex­pect that record to be this fuck­ing good - a hot con­tender for my fa­vorite pow­er pop record of 2022, plain and sim­ple. Like a cu­ri­ous eggfolk Res­onars or Be­vis Frond, these songs al­so ra­di­ate the melan­choly, dreamy vibes of Lost Bal­loons with lit­tle hints of ear­ly Guid­ed By Voic­es, Soft Boys, Hon­ey Radar or Woolen Men added to the mix for good mea­sure. The quirky and blown-out lo-fi aes­thet­ics sim­ply can't do any­thing to lessen the im­pact and beau­ty of the su­perb song­writ­ing chops on dis­play here.

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TJ Cabot - King Grove

Cana­di­an garage dude TJ Cabot's out­put on­ly grows stronger with each new re­lease and this one ain't no ex­cep­tion in once again hit­ting every sin­gle nail on the head, ham­mer­ing home a catchy-as-fuck mix of pow­er pop and garage punk that doesn't need to shy away from com­par­isons to greats such as The Marked Men, Erik Ner­vous, Tom­my & The Com­mies, Andy Hu­man & The Rep­toids, Liq­uids, Bad Sports or Nick Nor­mal.

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Green/​Blue - Paper Thin

This project re­volv­ing around Jim Bla­ha (The Blind Shake, Jim and the French Vanil­la) and An­nie Spar­rows (So­vi­ettes, Awe­some Snakes) sounds quite un­like any of Jim Blaha's oth­er groups that i'm aware of on their sec­ond LP, these songs with­out ex­cep­tion hav­ing a dreamy, melan­choly pow­er pop vibe and an un­like­ly post punk edge to them - kin­da like a mix be­tween Ra­dioac­tiv­i­ty, Mind Spi­ders and a slight­ly mut­ed The Es­tranged fused to­geth­er by rock sol­id song­writ­ing chops.

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Ex-Gold - We Are Good

I al­most over­looked this beau­ty which ap­pears to have been out for a cou­ple months al­ready. Knoxville's Ex-Gold had put out a de­light­ful de­but EP in 2018, a cou­ple of whose songs have al­so been re-record­ed for this new one while the new tracks seam­less­ly con­tin­ue the ex­cel­lence of their de­but. That means more quirky pow­er­pop and garage punk with both a slight '77- and an old­school in­die rock touch. The best com­par­i­son i can come up with right now are UK wise­crack­ers Pro­to Id­iot but fans of stuff like Tom­my and the Com­mies, Bad Sports, Ra­dioac­tiv­i­ty, Sweet Reaper, Cor­ner Boys or Steve Adamyk Band should al­so get a kick out of this.

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Beta Máximo - Spain Vice

Span­ish garage pop­pers Be­ta Máx­i­mo al­ready left a rather pos­i­tive im­pres­sion on me with their cou­ple of fair­ly re­cent EPs but with this one, they're fi­nal­ly nail­ing it if you ask me, strik­ing a per­fect bal­ance be­tween snap­py garage punk and surf-in­fused pow­er pop - kin­da like a some­what less eggy, less lo-fi in­car­na­tion of Barcelona group Prison Af­fair.

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