Germ House - World's A Chore

An­oth­er ex­cel­lent EP by Rhode Island's Germ House, a so­lo project of Justin Hub­bard who al­so hap­pens to be play­ing in Far Cor­ners. These three songs once again sparkle with his fa­mil­iar stripped-down lo-fi charme and a son­ic range that stretch­es from abra­sive post- and art punk - which sure­ly owes a thing or two to The Fall or Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles - to clas­sic garage rock and con­tem­po­rary garage punk, while al­so re­veal­ing a sur­pris­ing catchy­ness, deep melan­choly and a play­ful vibe rem­i­nis­cent of The Woolen Men.

Peace De Résistance - Hedgemakers

Now this is some pret­ty in­cred­i­ble shit right here. The min­i­mal­is­tic DIY garage rock on this tape by some NYC dude (or band, not sure about that) sounds kin­da like some lost pro­to punk rel­ic and would just as well blend in on any one of those Messthetics/​Homework com­pi­la­tions. The sparse per­cus­sion, weary vo­cals, over­all lean arrange­ments and Lo-Fi pro­duc­tion val­ues all do their part in lend­ing these songs a par­tic­u­lar qual­i­ty that feels both grit­ty and drowsy.

Al­bum-Stream →

Print Head - Happyhappy

Whoa, what a beau­ti­ful­ly crude piece of DIY lo-fi fuck­ery in the twi­light zones of slight­ly no-wave-ish post punk and garage rock, this dig­i­tal re­lease by some un­known Hicksville, NY en­ti­ty. Kin­da like an in­cred­i­bly weird in­car­na­tion of The Woolen Men in­ter­min­gling with Half Japan­ese and The UV Race. This is just gor­geous!

Al­bum-Stream →

Super-X - Super-X

Hav­ing re­leased a strong de­but EP in 2017, Mel­bourne group Su­per-X now de­liv­er their first full length, once again packed with tons of spaced-out son­ic force. Clas­sic Stooges en­er­gy col­lides with psy­che­del­ic fire­works á la ear­ly Tele­scopes, some un­ex­pect­ed­ly high amount of post punk and a hint of MX-80, while they man­age to keep things in­ter­est­ing and ver­sa­tile through­out the whole jour­ney, evok­ing a rather di­verse clus­ter of com­par­isons such as Pub­lic Eye, Writhing Squares, De­struc­tion Unit, Faux Fe­ro­cious, Bail­ter­space, The Cow­boy or Open Your Heart-era The Men.

Al­bum-Stream →