Dregs - Enemy Not Me

Fol­low­ing up on their al­ready quite awe­some 2019 de­mo, Austin group Dregs shift their sound a good bit away from a more garage- and fuzz punk lean­ing sound, fur­ther to­wards a hard­er to pin-down mix of in­flu­ences on the fringes of 80s-to-mid-90s hard- and post­core, among oth­ers sug­gest­ing the likes of X (US), Dicks or Flip­per at some points, post­core groups like Gray Mat­ter or Dri­ve Like Je­hu at oth­ers while more re­cent bands like Vexx, Cel Ray, Gen Pop or Lit­tle Ug­ly Girls wouldn't sound too far off ei­ther.

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Pringue - Random Punk Content Generator

More quirky garage punk in­san­i­ty from that Barcelona group who al­ready made an ex­cel­lent im­pres­sion with pre­vi­ous EP two years ago. Some­what more fo­cused and con­fi­dent sound­ing on this one, this is an­oth­er de­light­ful blast of high-per­cent­age egg-ness in a sim­i­lar vein to, say, R.M.F.C., Set-Top Box, Nuts or Spain's own won­ders of the Prison Af­fair, Fi­nale and Be­ta Max­i­mo va­ri­ety.

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Spewed Brain - International Heartthrob

Beau­ti­ful­ly sham­bol­ic chaos op­er­at­ing some­where around the weird­er fringes of hard­core and garage punk. When in hard­core mode, i'm most re­mind­ed of Cells and oth­er hard­core-lean­ing projects of Con­nie Voltaire while on the garage side of things, i'm think­ing of stuff á la Liq­uids, ear­ly Erik Ner­vous or - more re­cent­ly - Print Head and Scab Breath.

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Gee Tee - Goodnight Neanderthal

New stuff from Gee Tee or Vee or what­ev­er, this dude's shit is all good! On this LP, he's hold­ing a nice bal­ance be­tween the pow­er pop ten­den­cies of his re­cent Tee Vee Re­pair­man records and the some­what more garage-lean­ing projects of his á la Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp. and Set-Top Box, mak­ing for an­oth­er fine batch of fuzzed-out garage pop tunes, among them some of his most in­fec­tious ones so far, that's for sure.

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Scam Likely - Scam Likely

A duo made up of Ki­mi Recor and Vin­ny "Vaguess" Ear­ley, you can't re­al­ly over­look the sim­i­lar­i­ties to the lat­ter dude's record­ed out­put but there's al­so more go­ing on here. Start­ing off from a fa­mil­iar mix of garage- and post punk there's some clear Lithics kind of en­er­gy in some places or Welt Star, an­oth­er Ear­ley-re­lat­ed project comes to mind while songs like Star­ing at the Sun and Please 3 sound like for­got­ten Woolen Men tunes that fell through the cracks some­where and Chameleon has the vibe of a Dig­i­tal Leather deep cut from an al­ter­nate cold-wave re­al­i­ty.

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Moron's Morons - High-Tension Situation

New de­prav­i­ty by pol­ish garage punk's cur­rent prime movers and shak­ers Moron's Mo­rons! To put it sim­ply, this shit is fuck­ing good - a vague­ly tra­di­tion­al old­school garage good­ness most­ly rem­i­nis­cent of oth­er eu­ro­pean groups like Shit­ty Life, Dadar, Mi­traille or Gluer as well as a few US acts á la Sick Thoughts, Hank Wood & The Ham­mer­heads. Al­so plen­ty of more old­school stuff to men­tion here like Australia's over­lords Saints and Ra­dio Bird­man, clas­sic Cal­i­for­nia punk shit of the Germs, Agent Or­ange, Ado­les­cents va­ri­ety goin' on in num­bers like Psy­chosis Di­ag­no­sis and Noth­in' for You.

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Cel Ray - Cellular Raymond

Much stronger than i fig­ured at first glance, the de­but tape by Chica­go group Cel Ray. This shit is car­ry­ing sim­i­lar vibes to some of the great fe­male-front­ed punk groups of our time like Vexx, Neg­a­tive Scan­ner, Judy & The Jerks, Amyl and the Snif­fers, All Hits, The Neu­ros, BB and the Blips… while al­so ap­par­ent­ly tak­ing cues from a larg­er clus­ter of groups on the in­ter­sec­tion of post- and garage punk á la Pat­ti, Re­al­i­ty Group, Ura­ni­um Club, Ex-Cult or Mys­tic Inane.

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People's Temple /​ Hood Rats /​ Hickey

Three hard­core re­leas­es es­pe­cial­ly stuck out this week, all of 'em more or less tread­ing off the genre's beat­en paths. The most con­ven­tion­al­ly sound­ing - rel­a­tive­ly speak­ing of course - is the EP by People's Tem­ple on NY la­bel Roach­Leg Records, giv­ing us an ex­treme­ly tune­ful vari­a­tion on 80s hard­core, at times com­ing across like a blend of Cir­cle Jerks with ear­ly-to-mid­dle-era Naked Ray­gun and with oc­ca­sion­al flour­ish­es of Hüsker Dü to boot. Of more re­cend Bands, Fried E/​m might al­so fit the bill.
Hickey's tape on Arch­fiend records then in­fus­es con­tem­po­rary strands of garage-, synth- and egg­punk weird­ness with plen­ty of old­school hard­core en­er­gy, along the way al­so evok­ing the some vibes of Flip­per, Spike in Vain, Bro­ken Tal­ent… With this re­lease, we might just be en­ter­ing the eggcore era!
Montreal's Hood Rats op­er­ate in a vague­ly sim­i­lar ter­ri­to­ry, al­so hav­ing a sound ground­ed in garage punk brim­ming with lo-fi egg­punk quirky­ness just as much as with an un­kempt KBD en­er­gy and the tunes to make it stick.

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Big Break - Angel's Piss

On this un­be­liev­ably un-british sound­ing LP - kind of an ex­pand­ed ver­sion of last year's Hap­py Bank Hol­i­day EP - Sheffield group Big Break set up twelve fu­ri­ous bursts of undi­lut­ed garage punk thrust in a way that most of­ten re­minds me of both aus­tralian and US acts such as Hank Wood and the Ham­mer­heads, Split Sys­tem, Easers, Jack­son Reid Brig­gs & The Heaters and The Cow­boy, to name just a few.

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Pïss Bäth - Hoodrat Shit Vol. 1

A kick­ass EP of this Glas­gow group orig­i­nal­ly re­leased rough­ly a year ago, now hope­ful­ly get­ting saved from rel­a­tive ob­scu­ri­ty by lo­cal la­bel Gold Mold Records who've just reis­sued this beau­ty dig­i­tal­ly and on cas­sette. On it, we get fresh sup­ply from the realm of dun­geon punk-aja­cent noise rem­i­nis­cent of a whole range of groups like, nat­u­ral­ly, the cur­rent genre over­lords Poi­son Ruïn, the heav­i­ly motörized/​sleazified garage punk of Cheap Heat, Gold­en Pel­i­cans and Po­lute, hard-/post­core-lean­ing acts like Taran­tüla, Bloody Gears and Video.

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