Pig Earth - Exit Wound

A son­ic ex­pe­ri­ence won­der­ful­ly out of touch with the zeit­geist, craft­ed by some Belling­ham, Wash­ing­ton group. Prime in­flu­ence here seems to be a whole bat­tery of ear­ly-to-mid eight­ies, loose­ly SST and Touch & Go-con­nect­ed stuff - on the more strum­my, folk-in­fused side of things ad­mit­ted­ly, but nev­er afraid of spon­ta­neous­ly mor­ph­ing in­to short bursts of hard­core punk ei­ther. Most ob­vi­ous amoung those in­flu­ences would prob­a­bly be shit among the lines of Angst and Meat Pup­pets, ear­ly Di­nosaur Jr. and, sec­on­dar­i­ly, U-Men, Mud­honey and 80s Sci­en­tists, some very slight hints of Dicks and Wipers. Or al­ter­nate­ly, you might think of more re­cent Acts like ear­ly Milk Mu­sic, Dhar­ma Dogs, Chronophage and Damak.

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