Heavy Lag - Splitting Headache

An­oth­er Year Clos­er to What­ev­er re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 31st via Bloat­ed Kat Records.

Fen Fen - Jesus Freak

Metdog - When I Look Around

Mononegatives - Kill Mono

Verspannungskassette #43 (C-60)

As you can eas­i­ly tell this an­cient tech ar­ti­fact orig­i­nates from Japan-II 60 and has been dou­ble-coat­ed in the burn­ing CrO2 pits of Mt. Fu­ji. Al­so this mix­tape sucks, please don't lis­ten. Thanx.

Wa­ter Treat­ment Sol­id State Re­lay
Bil­liam Jen­ny De­stroys Records
Dadar Fail­ure
Why Both­er? (I'm) Com­ing Apart
The Strongest Tool I Want My Hot­walls!
Cat­a­stroph­ic Dance En­sem­ble Sad Ma­chine
Toe­heads Wan­na Be Alone
Neu­rotyp­i­cals Sweet Lily
Palán­ta A Dög
Hu­man Out­fit Un­ti­tled

Thought Con­trol Step On The Spine
Gut­ter Oil Waste Of Space
Big Kiss Cow­boy Shiznit
Head­cheese Big Plans
Par­a­sitic Twins Dr. Doom
Prob­lem Crazy
Djinn Eyes Open
Mi­rage Mon­do Traspar­ente
Pad­karos­da Bu­jkál Benned Vala­mi

Die! Die! Die! Shang­hai /​/​ Wuhan
Stud Count Push
Metz Heaven's Gate
Whip­pets Spit
Oog Bo­go Cul­prit
Rare Spam Do You Want No-Wave Or Do You Want No-Love

Added Di­men­sions Se­lec­tive Mem­o­ry
Woolen Men Why Do Par­ties Have To End?
Green/​Blue Wor­ry
The Drin Reach Through the Mid­night
Your Pest Band Every Arith­metic
Mi­int So­bre­do­sis De Be­nadryl

Alien Nosejob - Beatles vs Stones

Stained Glass re­leas­es No­vem­ber 25th via To­tal Punk Records.

The Dirts - Waste Of Time

II re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 21st via Helvete's Kitchen.

Polute - Stoned Rider

Po­lute re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 13th via Leg­less Records.

Todd Killings and the Contracts - (I've) Got Your Contract

Todd Killings and the Con­tracts re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 7th via Slow Death Records.