Verspannungskassette #45 (C-60)

Fen Fen Bad Taste
Gloop Tur­pen­tine Eye
Near­ly Dead Greg's Fix
Ar­se Go Hard
Met­rics Men­tal­verse
C.M.L. Trust You
Brain Bag Punch­ing Bag Brain

Ra­di­a­tion Risks Damned as Dirt
Red Rot Deac­ces­sion
Pi­geon Core
Con­stant Cold War In­trud­er
Hævn­er Glas­bur
La URSS Más al­lá del fu­turo
Stuck Do Not Re­ply

Damak Pen­du­lum
Hank Wood and the Ham­mer Heads You Could Have It
Dogsnot­Gods On­ly Us
Todd Killings And The Con­tracts Pri­vate Eye
Beam Mor­tis
Ben­zin Krise
Munchkin Head Pub­lic En­e­my
Raut Hack
Elec­tric Prawns 2 Raw Prawn Gravy

Cool Sor­cery Let Go
Nov LT Daniel John­ston on Love Is­land
Hägöl Sick
Sprgrs Bag­suck­er
Dee­beat Ra­mone Dis­sem­bler
Ghoulies Space Rats
TJ Cabot J.A.G. Turned Me In­to A Mu­tant
Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings Ham­ma why@
Sil­ver Bi­planes Songs That Don't Ex­ist

Nearly Dead - Death Party

In a noise rock world most­ly dom­i­nat­ed by pre­ten­tious wankers con­tent with re­pro­duc­ing the done-to-death "left­over doom riffs played with odd time sig­na­tures (that makes us math rock, i guess…)" for­mu­la ad nau­se­am, Canada's Near­ly Dead have al­ways kin­da stuck out from the sad sta­tus quo not through smarts but through sheer prim­i­tive force and a very old­school ap­proach to sludge-in­fest­ed noise rock, rem­i­nis­cent of an­cient genre ar­ti­facts by the likes of Cows, Kill­doz­er, Cherubs, Fun­gus Brains, Scratch Acid… plus count­less of deep cuts from the clas­sic Am­Rep cat­a­logue. These tunes make me wan­na take a show­er - a rare qual­i­ty these days.

Al­bum-Stream →

Ghoulies - Halloween Special, Vol 1

Al­ways a nice thing to have in your house these ghoulies… The Perth group's newest EP might be their most catchy and up­beat batch of tunes so far and should please the dis­cern­ing con­nois­seur of garage-/syn­th/eg­g­punk phe­nom­e­na in the vicin­i­ty of, say, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp, Cher­ry Cheeks, Alien Nose­job, Sa­tan­ic To­gas… just to name a few.

Al­bum-Stream →

Hammered Hulls - Careening

The Wash­ing­ton group's full length de­but is cer­tain­ly the most Dischord-sound­ing new Dischord re­lease i've heard in years, lib­er­al­ly but skill­ful­ly plun­der­ing its way through four­ty years of post­core lega­cy like a won­der­ful anachro­nism. That makes an old fart like me brim with joy and giv­en the par­tic­i­pants in­volved here - all of them hav­ing had their part in shap­ing the afore­men­tioned lega­cy - i'm not at all sur­prised by the strength of this al­bum.

Al­bum-Stream →

Munchkin Head - Not Gonna Cry Dad

Haven't heard from this L.A. garage-/synth-/hair Punk project for quite a while. Any­way, this weirdo's newest cas­sette once again has an abun­dance of beau­ti­ful­ly re­tard­ed DIY cock rock minia­ture mad­ness in store for us.

Al­bum-Stream →

No Healer - Good Times

Good Times re­leas­es No­vem­ber 11th.

Plomb - Bright Life

Bright Life re­leas­es No­vem­ber 30th.

Rider/​Horse - Great Innings

Feed 'em Salt re­leas­es No­vem­ber 18th via Ever/​Never Records.

The Men - Hard Livin'

New York City re­leas­es Feb­ru­ary 3rd via Fuzz Club Records.

The Tubs - Sniveller

Dead Meat re­leas­es Jan­u­ary 13th via Trou­ble In Mind Records.