Snarling Dogs - Demo

This group from Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­va­nia pulls off a vague­ly fa­mil­iar but nonethe­less spec­tac­u­lar com­bus­tion of catchy old­school hard­core en­er­gy with some cow­punk vibes to it, op­er­at­ing some­where in­be­tween the rough pa­ra­me­ters of Germs, Dicks, the ear­ly hard­core in­car­na­tions of Angst and Meat Pup­pets, as well as more re­cent stuff like Fried E/​m and Mod­ern Needs.

Al­bum-Stream →

Gurk - First

Our week­ly dose of egg­punk in­san­i­ty comes cour­te­sey of some mys­te­ri­ous Stock­holm act, way too short but po­tent and catchy as fuck nonethe­less. Friends of shit á la Nubot555, Egg Id­iot, Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box, Nuts and Pringue, among oth­ers, will sure­ly ap­prove of this.

Optic Nerve - Trap Door

An­gel Num­bers re­leas­es April 21st via Urge Records.

Stuck - The Punisher

Freak Fre­quen­cy re­leas­es May 26th via Born Yes­ter­day Records.

Es - Swallowed Whole

Fan­ta­sy re­leas­es April 7th via Up­set The Rhythm.

Those Foreign Kids - Song For Gandhi

Wrestle­ma­nia re­leas­es April 28th via Vibe/An­ti-Vibe and Geertru­dia.

Chat Pile - Cut

Broth­ers In Christ (Nerv­er /​ Chat Pile Split 12") re­leas­es April 14th via The Ghost Is Clear Records.

Telegenic Pleasure - Concentric Grave

What kind of twist­ed punk stu­dent ex­change pro­gram would lead to an al­bum be­ing record­ed both in Lon­don, On­tario and Lon­don, Eng­land? The band com­mit­ting the deed ap­pears to have connnec­tions to some London's Gag­gers and Mis­cal­cu­la­tions as well as some oth­er London's Iso­la­tion Par­ty and Mononeg­a­tives - the lat­ter be­ing the most ob­vi­ous com­par­i­son though, as their very own brand of spaced-out synth- and garage punk reigns supreme on this record too, along with flour­ish­es of Pow!, Use­less Eaters, Freak Genes, Iso­tope Soap, Mind Spi­ders, Pow­er­plant and Dig­i­tal Leather. Fuck­ing awe­some shit, in oth­er words.

Al­bum-Stream →

Romance - Seven Inches of Romance

A neat lit­tle yet-to-be-pressed 7" by a Syd­ney group sound­ing a lit­tle as if a more spiky ver­sion of Lithics col­lid­ed with the likes of noisy post punkers Brandy, the re­cent noisec­ore of Shove, a very slight hint of Wipers and the an­cient record­ings of noise rock­ers World Dom­i­na­tion En­ter­pris­es.

Al­bum-Stream →