Metdog - Screen Time

Alien Nosejob - S&M Lady

Holm - Lose The Shoes

Verspannungskassette #54 (C-90)

Max Ca­pac­i­ty Blue Wa­ter
Body Main­te­nance Time Enough
Dr Sure's Un­usu­al Prac­tice Out­side Look­ing In
Pub­lic In­ter­est Residue
Glit­ter­ing In­sects Ob­scure World Af­ter Death
Liz­zards Freez­ing Cold
Loins Beans
Chimers Turn On The Lights
Eu­nix The Fault
Hair­net Com­pul­sive Clean­er
Ad­voids 1-O

TJ Cabot Past Dis­crep­an­cies
JJ & The A's Show Me
Ba­by Tyler Tree in the Road
Ad­dict Brain I Feel Fine
Las­so Teci­do So­cial
Sci­ence Man Give to the Plague
No Üni­form Mark Of The Beast
Calufrax Stone­henge
Dart Night­mare
Poi­son Ruïn Res­ur­rec­tion II

Tele­health Id­iot Proof (nO SoUp Du JoUr)
Mononeg­a­tives Tele­vi­sion Fu­ner­al
The Bad Plug Blind Love
Da­ta Un­known Is There Some­one Out There?
Es Swal­lowed Whole
Bust­ed Head Rack­et Clown­ing
Gurk Iden­ti­ty Cri­sis
Gob­lin Day­care In Harm's Way
Cor­pus Earth­ling Dear Aylmer
Split Sys­tem Bul­let

The Chi­nese Mud­men Hits From The Bong
Reiz Kauschiene
Homi­cide Idols Young, Sick And Pissed
Pay­phones Mind Con­trol
Taphy Lim­ou­sine
Sex Mex We'll Be Gone
Purl­ing Hiss Yer All In My Dreams
Paint Fumes Start­ing Over
Surf Friends Sig­nal On
Be­ta Máx­i­mo Batería Costeira J-4

Poison Ruïn - Härvest

In a some­what un­ex­pect­ed but, all things con­sid­ered, per­fect­ly sen­si­ble move, the Philadel­phia group on the cut­ting edge of the still kin­da vague­ly de­fined and de­vel­op­ing dun­geon punk genre re­lease their first full length ef­fort on the well es­tab­lished, rather met­al-lean­ing la­bel Re­lapse Records. Thank­ful­ly this has pre­cious lit­tle in­flu­ence on their sound, aes­thet­ics and pro­duc­tion val­ues, with their newest batch of songs even pre­sent­ing the group at their grit­ti­est and most Lo-Fi so far, their still ab­solute­ly sin­gu­lar, elab­o­rate son­ic con­structs made up of post- and garage punk, noise rock, post­core, a very slight hint of Oi! and on­ly the most an­cient in­gre­di­ents of pro­to- and old-old­school met­al re­main­ing ob­scured by in a thick lay­er of tape hiss all the time. Yeah, the whole thing sounds glo­ri­ous i got­ta say!

Al­bum-Stream →

Chinese Mudmen - Meet The Mud /​ Mud On Mud

Crawl­ing out of the same brown pud­dle that pre­vi­ous­ly spat out the won­ders of Scab Breath we get two more raw and de­light­ful clumps of garage punk, this time with more of an hard­core edge to it and a slight note of KBD muck. An at­tack on the sens­es just as straight­for­ward as it's crude and sham­bol­ic - traits you might al­so find in re­cent acts á la Mod­ern Needs, Liq­uids or Fried E/​m.

Al­bum-Stream →

Geld - Fog of War

Cur­ren­cy /​/​ Cas­tra­tion re­leas­es June 9th via Re­lapse Records.

Vincent Reese - Running Wild

Em­bar­rass­ing­ly Hard re­leas­es April 20th via RIP Records.

Les Lullies - Dernier Soir

Mau­vaise Foi re­leas­es May 26th via Sloven­ly Record­ings.