Famous Mammals - Instant Pop Expressionism Now!

I got­ta say, fol­low­ing up on a promis­ing but still some­what un­der­cooked and in­con­sis­tent de­but tape from two years ago, i'm kin­da blown away by the hyp­not­ic pull of this sec­ond al­bum by an Oak­land (?) group hav­ing among their ranks mem­bers of a whole bunch of house­hold num­bers - The World, Andy Hu­man and the Rep­toids, Rays and Vi­o­lent Change might just be the most fa­mil­iar names among those for long­time watch­ers of this space, but these are just the tip of the ice­berg re­al­ly. While you can plau­si­bly pick out some sim­i­lar­i­ties to all these groups, i'm way more re­mind­ed of the re­laxed post- and garage punk of aus­tralian groups UV Race and Wire­heads, en­hanced with some fla­vor of british psy­che­delia (Vi­tal Idles come to mind as a con­tem­po­rary ref­er­ence), even a smidge of Wire and ear­ly Bar­rett-era Pink Floyd in Let The Light In. Just as well though, they might have drawn plen­ty of in­spi­ra­tion from '70s-'80s british DIY cul­ture with groups á la Mem­branes, Swell Maps, Mekons and Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles be­ing the clos­est com­par­isons i can pull out of my ass right now.

Al­bum-Stream →

Dennis Cometti - Suburban Condition

Sub­ur­ban Con­di­tion re­leas­es Au­gust 11th via Bar­gain Bin Records.

Beef - Beef

Beef re­leas­es Au­gust 4th via Feel It Records & Let's Pre­tend Records.

V.D. - I've Got My Sights On You

Texture Freq - Masochistic Episode

A beau­ti­ful­ly over­whelm­ing mud show­er of noise-in­fest­ed Post­core, the de­but EP of this Min­neapo­lis group clear­ly in­her­it­ing some of the DNA of the city's own Noise Rock-re­lat­ed his­to­ry while feel­ing per­fect­ly con­tem­po­rary all the same, main­ly re­mind­ing me of re­cent bands á la Doll­house, Launch­er, Mys­tic Inane, Wymyns Prysyn and Op­tic Nerve… with a touch of Hot Snakes thrown in for good mea­sure.

Al­bum-Stream →

Snooper - Super Snõõper

At first glance i couldn't help but feel a bit dis­ap­point­ed by the lack of new ma­te­r­i­al on the Nashville group's de­but LP but then again, i can't say these new record­ings of songs most­ly known from pre­vi­ous EPs don't slap - they kick some se­ri­ous ass, trad­ing in some of the pre­vi­ous re­leas­es' sham­bol­ic quirk­i­ness for a bit more of a hard­core edge and while i've re­al­ly grown fond of the EPs' Lo-Fi aes­thet­ics, there have al­so been some ex­am­ples on these that nev­er quite clicked with me in their ear­li­er ver­sions and its those songs that gain the most on this LP which is like­ly al­so a clos­er rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the group's cur­rent live sound, their shows hav­ing gained kind of a leg­endary rep­u­ta­tion at this point. Can't wait to see these folks tour Eu­rope.

Al­bum-Stream →

Inu - Fade Out

Don't Eat Food re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 6th via Mesh-Key Records.

Meal - Cpt Tiger

Verspannungskassette #59 (C-60)

Rub­ber Blan­ket Peace Plan
Wet Slap The Time Is Now
New Coke I'm So Bored With You
Cy­borg 1-12 Mal­func­tion­ing Brain
Midgee Park Bench
Gurk Green Fin­gers
Syn­thet­ic Sur­faces Cat Car
Bust­ed Head Rack­et Mass De­bat­ing
IZM Cel­lar Door
Night Punch Some­thing
Peel Ser­a­pah Ba­nal (Ft. Jusuf Rach)

JJ and the A’s Show Me
The Cir­cu­la­tors Gen­er­a­tion Next
Cru­el­ster Be­larus With My Ba­by
Pa­pa Li­ma 0800
Foil Tied Down
Ex Par­ents Press­er
Des­tiny Bond Worlds Un­seen
To­tal Sham Paris
Zooman Foul Meat
Slogutis Bed Sore
War­lock Corpse в этом мире ты чужой

Lost Pack­ages Freeze Time Chan­nel
Muell Kunde
Rwetes Nie Wypa­da
66cl Ca­ballero
Timüt Disco's Dead
Warp Cream of the Crop
Fun­cle Dun­cle It's Okay to….
Piss Me Off Steal My Sun­shine
1001 Re­habs Ra­mon Or No Name

Bart and the Brats Boil­er
Fever Gleam­ing Dues Paid
Wire­heads 1000 Red Ven­omous Snakes
Taxi Girls Sun­shine
Wrist­watch Head
Pogy & Les Ke­fars Déluge
Datenight Where The Flow­ers Grow
Met­al Gu­ru Suite No1, Ep1, Sen­tir­si in­utile
Par­don­er Are You Free Tonight?