Piss Shivers - Red Stripe

Piss Shiv­ers re­leas­es Au­gust 12th via Gim­mie Records.

Verspannungskassette #60 (C-60)

V.D. I've Got My Sights On You
Woolen Men Spoiled
Sil­i­cone Prairie Vic­to­ri­an Flame
Fa­mous Mam­mals Like A Shad­ow
Bil­liam Freak Line
Pow­er Pants Flys On My Face
Pe­queño Vic­tor Cere­bro de Gelati­na
Pow­er­plant Beau­ti­ful Boy
Landown­er Thou­sands of Years in Fast For­ward

Me­dia Puz­zle Keen Street
Be­ta Max­i­mo Straight Egg
Neo Neos Clock­work
Häuser Al­right
X-Ac­to You Sliced Up My Wife
Tex­ture Freq Gran­ite Head
El My­rons Not A Good Mode
Ce­re­al Glyphs Shad­ow Slaw

Sweep­ing Promis­es Throw of the Dice
Meal Cpt Tiger
Long­ings Ex­pen­sive Graves
Life­guard 17-18 Lovesong
Atol Atol Atol Atol Atol Atol

Sei Sega In­adap­ta­dos
Lothario Drunk Fuck
Sil­i­cone Val­ues Dis­pos­able Mu­sic
Crab­ber Less End­less
Split Sys­tem Alone Again

Nasty World - Demo /​ Lohn der Angst - Lohn Der Angst

If noth­ing else, it's at least been a great few days for friends of old­school synth punk ac­tion in­clud­ing not on­ly a cou­ple of es­sen­tial The Steves reis­sues via Iron Lung records but al­so these two beau­ties from Oak­land and Berlin re­spec­tive­ly. Nasty World kin­da go about their stuff like it's 1981 or some­thing, con­jur­ing up a vibe kin­da like a wild mix­ture be­tween Scream­ers, De­vo, Units, Vis­i­tors, Ner­vous Gen­der or Min­i­mal Man but al­so not quite dis­sim­i­lar to more re­cent shit of the Iso­tope Soap, Pow­er­plant, Lost Pack­ages or Freak Genes va­ri­ety. All of that could equal­ly fit the de­scrip­tion of that Lohn der Angst record but in their case, i'd add a good deal of Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors on top as well as a cou­ple of ger­man in­flu­ences rang­ing from an­cient DAF to more re­cent acts like Puff! and Pisse, as well as some dis­tinct kraut-/mo­torik vibes in tracks such as Warteschleife and Grelles Gesicht.

Al­bum-Stream →

Crying Loser - Friends

Oaf Milk re­leas­es Au­gust 30th.

Screensaver - The Guilt

De­cent Shapes re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 20th via Poi­son City Records.

Blue Dolphin - Ida

Robert's Lafitte re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 22nd via Post Present Medi­um.

Pipe - Backstroke

Pipe re­leas­es Au­gust 4th via Third Un­cle Records.

Open City - Return Your Stolen Property Is Theft

Hands in the Hon­ey Jar re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 6th via Get Bet­ter Records.

Pedigree - Runaway

Run Away re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 30th.