Poison Ruïn - Härvest

In a some­what un­ex­pect­ed but, all things con­sid­ered, per­fect­ly sen­si­ble move, the Philadel­phia group on the cut­ting edge of the still kin­da vague­ly de­fined and de­vel­op­ing dun­geon punk genre re­lease their first full length ef­fort on the well es­tab­lished, rather met­al-lean­ing la­bel Re­lapse Records. Thank­ful­ly this has pre­cious lit­tle in­flu­ence on their sound, aes­thet­ics and pro­duc­tion val­ues, with their newest batch of songs even pre­sent­ing the group at their grit­ti­est and most Lo-Fi so far, their still ab­solute­ly sin­gu­lar, elab­o­rate son­ic con­structs made up of post- and garage punk, noise rock, post­core, a very slight hint of Oi! and on­ly the most an­cient in­gre­di­ents of pro­to- and old-old­school met­al re­main­ing ob­scured by in a thick lay­er of tape hiss all the time. Yeah, the whole thing sounds glo­ri­ous i got­ta say!

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Chinese Mudmen - Meet The Mud /​ Mud On Mud

Crawl­ing out of the same brown pud­dle that pre­vi­ous­ly spat out the won­ders of Scab Breath we get two more raw and de­light­ful clumps of garage punk, this time with more of an hard­core edge to it and a slight note of KBD muck. An at­tack on the sens­es just as straight­for­ward as it's crude and sham­bol­ic - traits you might al­so find in re­cent acts á la Mod­ern Needs, Liq­uids or Fried E/​m.

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Glittering Insects - Glittering Insects

Ab­solute­ly fuck­ing bril­liant shit once again ar­riv­ing at our shores cour­tesy of To­tal Punk Records! Glit­ter­ing In­sects fea­ture mem­bers of GG King, Preda­tor, Wymyns Prysyn and Uni­form (the at­lanta group, not the NY in­dus­tri­al punk/-met­al duo) and of these, it bears the most sim­i­lar­i­ty to the lat­ter two groups with the melan­choly arrange­ments strong­ly echo­ing that dis­tinct Uni­form vibe. Over­all the com­bi­na­tion of grit­ty abra­sive tex­tures, the afore­men­tioned sense of melan­choly, a songcraft that comes across as sad and un­wieldy yet melod­ic and catchy at the same time, re­minds me a lot of aus­tralian noise-/indie rock gods Kitchen's Floor, the scuzzy post punk of City Yelps or, in its most catchy mo­ments, the noise pop of ear­ly Tree­house. An ex­cep­tion­al­ly im­mer­sive and epic ex­pe­ri­ence best tak­en in as a whole - a rare thing these days.

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Body Maintenance - Beside You

The first LP of Melbourne's Body Main­te­nance ex­cites with ex­cel­lent post punk sounds of the catchy melod­ic kind, which won't ex­act­ly win any prices for orig­i­nal­i­ty but ex­cells in­stead thanks to some con­fi­dent song­writ­ing chops that nev­er fal­ter as well as a su­per dis­ci­plined per­for­mance, both things com­bin­ing in­to an ex­pe­ri­ence that feels sound­ly con­struct­ed at all times. Es­sen­tial lis­ten­ing for fans of shit á la The Es­tranged, Sieve­head, Crim­i­nal Code or Sched­ule 1.

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Eunix - Demo

Mem­bers of Bib and Ni­hilis­tic fit, among a whole shit­load of oth­er groups, de­liv­er their first EP here and it's hard to not get ex­cit­ed in face of this ex­plo­sive force. These are su­per-sol­id, ma­ture and elab­o­rate song as­sem­blies made up of a time­less post­core sound which is al­so per­fect­ly able to slow things down - like in the doom/s­ludge-lean­ing ex­cer­cise Face Down - with­out bor­ing you to death. Al­ways al­ways a sign of com­po­si­tion­al ex­cel­lence if you ask me. In re­cent years, we might've heard sim­i­lar blasts from bands like Ro­mance, Shove, As­cot Stab­ber, Flow­ers of Evil or ear­ly Bad Breed­ing.

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Sex Mex - We're A Happy Family

Over the course of the past year or two, San An­to­nio, Texas group Sex Mex have proven to be a re­li­able bet with their knack for catchy garage-/synth punk and fuzz pop tunes. Their newest batch doesn't dis­ap­point ei­ther, de­liv­er­ing a pop good­ness high­ly in­debt­ed, among oth­er things, to the more melod­ic end of the Reatard-re­lat­ed uni­verse, Lost Sounds be­ing the most ob­vi­ous com­par­i­son here but al­so new­er shit á la The Gobs, Witch Piss or Ghoulies wouldn't be too far off.

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Public Interest - Spiritual Pollution

An­oth­er re­lease bear­ing the Er­ste Theke seal of qual­i­ty and in­deed this one's a huge step ahead for the Oak­land group af­ter a more garage- and synth punk-lean­ing de­but tape in 2019. Now they've trans­formed in­to a way more so­phis­ti­cat­ed post punk sound that comes across as moody yet con­spic­u­ous­ly song-ori­ent­ed and catchy all the same, a qual­i­ty you might have al­so no­ticed in the most re­cent ma­te­r­i­al by Mar­bled Eye, whose member(s) are al­so lend­ing a hand in this new kick­ass record. Im­bued with a psy­che­del­ic haze that re­minds me a bit of Chairs Miss­ing /​ 154-era Wire at times, you might just as well com­pare their elab­o­rate song con­structs to a di­verse clus­ter of such con­tem­po­rary genre cor­ner­stones as In­sti­tute, Rank/​Xerox, Pub­lic Eye, Diät, VR Sex, Bruised, Waste Man or ear­ly Paint Thin­ner.

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Goblin Daycare - Q: EP? A: EP!!

Along the way in eggpunk's un­stop­pable crawl to­wards world dom­i­na­tion Is­tan­bul, Turkey is the newest place to join the rev­o­lu­tion! Gob­lin Day­care are drop­ping their own three cents in the bas­ket with this ex­quis­ite batch of catchy as fuck garage- and synth punk smash­ers in a vein not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to - and every bit as good as - pow­er­house acts such as Nuts, Set-Top Box, Ghoulies or Slimex.

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Advoids - Advoids

Mem­bers of Diode and Frea­kees gift us yet an­oth­er at­tack of de­li­cious­ly off-the-rails noise, this time close­ly scrap­ing past the rough co­or­di­nates of post punk, post- and weird­core. Some repi­ti­tive The Fall-es­que riff leads in­to pure hard­core an­ar­chy in All the World. Give Me Mine then has a dis­tinc­tive ear­ly Min­ute­men-meet-James Chance kind of en­er­gy to it. Fur­ther you might find some traces of Flip­per, Sac­cha­rine Trust or The Pop Group in there or al­ter­nate­ly, you might iden­ti­fy bits and pieces of more re­cent shit á la Rolex, Big Bop­per or Gay Cum Dad­dies.

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Homicide Idols - Homicide Idols

A sim­ple as fuck garage punk at­tack by a swedish group de­liv­er­ing their sep­tic show­ers with that cer­tain added fla­vor of KBD-style scuzz. An­oth­er nice pud­dle of dirt for fans of the likes of ear­ly Sick Thoughts, Buck Biloxi, Bart and The Brats, Gior­gio Mur­der­er or Frea­kees to wal­low in.

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