Freaks - Freaks

An un­re­lent­ing storm of raw KBD-meets-ston­er punk kicked loose by the Freaks of Philadel­phia, en­forced with loads of hard­core propul­sion. Starts out kin­da like an amal­ga­ma­tion of ear­ly Milk Mu­sic or Di­nosaur Jr. with Every­thing Falls Apart-era Hüsker Dü, then set­tles in­to a mode that comes across like a mix of Tarantüla/​Cülo, Fried Egg, a hint of Launch­er and some added sludge and death rock vibes, the lat­ter re­mind­ing me of Be­ta Boys.

Al­bum-Stream →

Noise Violations & Sprgrs - Split

Aus­tralian la­bel Painscale Records de­liv­ers its strongest en­try so far in a se­ries of split cas­settes. Main at­trac­tion here is clear­ly the longer side com­pris­ing the de­but batch of Mel­bourne group Noise Vi­o­la­tions, who set ablaze an ir­re­sistible bar­rage of catchy hooks in a slight­ly egg-ad­ja­cent brand of garage punk with echoes of well-renowned genre pow­er­hous­es such as Sa­tan­ic To­gas, R.M.F.C., Ghoulies, Boo­ji Boys, Met­al Gu­ru, Erik Ner­vous or Gee Tee, to name just a few.
The oth­er side then con­tains the pre­vi­ous­ly re­leased 2022 EP by Grana­da, Spain group Sprgrs, which is well worth an­oth­er lis­ten for fans of dance­able Lo-Fi punk stuff in the vein of, say, Prison Af­fair, Beer, Nuts, Pringue, Dee Bee Rich and Be­ta Max­i­mo.

Al­bum-Stream →

Verspannungskassette #36 (C-90)

Kat Haus Plas­tic Brat
Nasty Par­ty I Can't Stand The Ra­dio
Fen Fen In­sect
Cr­na Žuč Iz­gaže­na Budućnost
Gonk Croc­o­dile Socks
Bil­liam Num­ber 19 Pan­cake Par­lor Spe­cial
Scab Breath I'm Right, You're Wrong
Sis­tema De En­treten­imien­to Su Cuer­po Es­tá A Pun­to De Ex­plotar
Bel­ly Jel­ly In­ter­net to Cu­ba
Brun­dle Lost
Clut­tered Grot­to Cy­ber­net­ic
Glu­ta­mate Bed Bugs
Welt Star Welt Star

Dis­as­ter Artist Eggman
Be­ta Máx­i­mo Bus­co Cora­zones
Plat­inum Crack! Fuck The IRS
Flexï Plas­tic Bag
Glue­man Shit Is Beat
Big Break Hap­py Bank Hol­i­day
Spodee Boy Neon Lights
Mi­traille Don't Be­long
Tetanus Win­ner
Wood­stock '99 Pick­led Drunk Dri­ver
Pri­mal Brain Eat The Street
Slo­gan Boy Fish In A Bag
The Wil­ful Boys Ain't No Fee­ble Bas­tard
Poi­son Ruïn Not To­day, Not To­mor­row

Con­di­tions Ap­ply An­gry All the Time
Bosque Ro­jo Romper el cer­co
Fuck Mon­ey Heart Throb
Rip Room Flaw in the Log­ic
Lost Le­gion The Game
Mc­QQeen Week­end Ex­or­cism
Syn­drome 81 Les Derniers Jours
The Missed Lis­ten Close
Mala Vista Rel­e­gat­ed Lover

Con­di­tions Ap­ply An­gry All the Time
Bosque Ro­jo Romper el cer­co
Fuck Mon­ey Heart Throb
Rip Room Flaw in the Log­ic
Lost Le­gion The Game
Mc­QQeen Week­end Ex­or­cism
Syn­drome 81 Les Derniers Jours
The Missed Lis­ten Close
Mala Vista Rel­e­gat­ed Lover