Last year's steam­roller of a (mini-)LP named Estray is a tough act to fol­low up for sure but the (prob­a­bly) Leipzig/Ber­lin-based group man­ages to do so ad­mi­arably well on their newest al­bum, re­tain­ing all of their pre­vi­ous qual­i­ties while ex­pand­ing their garage punk sound with quite a bit of an abra­sive noise rock edge which re­minds me a lot of NY noise-/garage punk act Brandy and ear­li­er Sci­ence Man. A good deal of melod­ic pop smash­ers á la Wouldn't You, Fo­mo or Get Clean is still present here so fans of that catchy, some­what Boo­ji Boys-es­que pow­er pop won't feel duped ei­ther.