As i un­der­stand, Brick Head is the so­lo project of Sarah Hardi­man who's al­so play­ing in Deaf Wish, Moon Rit­u­als and a bunch of oth­er groups you might've heard of. Fol­low­ing a still some­what shaky de­but al­bum, the over­all vi­sion comes in­to much sharp­er fo­cus here as all the parts just click in­to place on this one, in­ter­weav­ing fa­mil­iar styles and flour­ish­es in­to an ul­ti­mate­ly quite unique ex­pe­ri­ence. Car­riy­ing the hall­marks of a num­ber of aus­tralian groups, the first things to come to mind are var­i­ous in­car­na­tions of Alien Nose­job, the straight­for­ward garage punk of Ed­dy Cur­rent Sup­pres­sion Ring, the min­i­mal­ism of The UV Race while over the course of the record, a kin­da hazy, melan­cholic melod­i­cism á la Kitchen's Floor in­creas­ing­ly takes cen­ter stage.