A sur­pris­ing­ly ver­sa­tile batch of garage punk minia­tures on this sweet lit­tle de­but cas­sette by a group from… well, prob­a­bly not way too far from Char­lotte, North Car­oli­na i guess. Most­ly this shit can be lo­cat­ed some­where among the quirky DIY garage punk spec­trum with sim­i­lar­i­ties to stuff like Set-Top Box, Alien Nose­job, Sa­tan­ic To­gas, R.M.F.C, ear­ly Vaguess or Erik Ner­vous, a more lo-fi Split Sys­tem… speak­ing of which, there's al­so quite a bit of melan­choly aussie style garage en­er­gy á la Jack­son Reid Brig­gs, Pist Id­iots go­ing on in Chik'n Din­ner. Songs like Sweet 'n Stout and Free Meat dab­ble in hard­core to vary­ing de­grees and the clos­ing track Gal­lop!! has ear­ly Min­ute­men goin' full cow­punk!