Klint Heat Wave
OD-EX What Comes Next
Reck­less Randy Crack of the whip
Spam Lo Ver­dadero Es Lo Que Puedo, Lo Fal­so Lo Que Quiere
Dee­beat Ra­mone Against It
Clut­tered Grot­to Flea Bites
Liq­uid Lunch Big Re­sume
Bln­di Cabeza
The Carp The Old Way

Bil­liam Cur­rent World
The Hon­ey­buck­ets Re­make Re­mod­el Re­build De­stroy
Hell-Ga­ta Xxxxxx
Knice Knife
Re­turn­ers #1
Grout Fa­mil­ial
De­gen­er­at­ed Jerks Face to Face
Sub Space I Walk The Dev­il

Rub­bing Fa­tigue Fa­tigue
No Hu­mans Two Stom­achs
Girls In Syn­the­sis Watch With Moth­er
Eyes and Flys Emp­ty Safe
Glaas The Moon
The Khats Two Cats
Bode­ga Everybody's Sad

Big Town Di­a­logue
Chon­cy Six Months
The Pits Shoul­da Coul­da
Glaz­er Chan­nel Mas­ter
Me You Us Them Fight or Flight
Gui­tar Dou­ble Down