The de­but Al­bum of this Philadel­phia group is, in a word, fuck­ing im­pres­sive. Ver­sa­tile, in­ven­tive post punk this is, mov­ing about somwhere in­be­tween the repet­i­tive ab­strac­tion of Nots, the no-bull­shit di­rect at­tack of Lié, grooves, noise erup­tions and melod­ic tex­tures rem­i­nis­cent of ear­ly Pro­tomar­tyr, some sparkling Son­ic Youth-es­que walls of noise and the re­lent­less propul­sion of Ner­vosas, then clos­ing out the al­bum with a jam en­veloped in a thick psy­che­del­ic haze.