Some fa­mil­iar faces at work here, al­though it takes some de­tec­tive work to un­tan­gle the neb­u­lous web of con­nec­tions es­pe­cial­ly of gui­tar play­er and vo­cal­ist Robert Pawliczek. That dude has played in a lot of groups al­though i can't ex­act­ly con­firm all of them. So he seems to have had a hand at, among oth­ers, Heavy Met­al, Bob­by Would, Nee­dle Ex­change, Itchy Bug­ger, Pit­va… al­so, pos­si­bly, Diät and Id­io­ta Civ­i­liz­za­to? Of those two i'm the least sure. On bass du­ty, we ap­pear to have the same Bill Gray known of Bands like Shark Toys, Re­arranged Face. And this be­ing a Re­fry Records re­lease, of course they've got Vin­ny "Vaguess" Ear­ley com­plet­ing the line-up on drums. As you might have sus­pect­ed, the mu­sic fuckin' rips too, their post punk with some garage over­tones strik­ing me kin­da like a su­per brit­tle and dry ver­sion of Rank/​Xerok or the afore­men­tioned Diät.