Are you aware of the de­ment­ed hor­ror that is ger­man schlager mu­sic? 'Cos i'm not quite sure if you can com­pre­hend this bot­tom­less pit of pure an­guish if you haven't grown up con­stant­ly tor­tured by its ut­ter taste­less­ness, to­tal lack of cre­ativ­i­ty and its em­bar­rass­ing­ly self-un­con­scious deutsch-ness. Well un­for­tu­nate­ly, schlager mu­sic has so far been on every sin­gle pre-owned cas­sette i've start­ed stock­pil­ing to put some Verspan­nung on (new ones have be­come quite ex­pen­sive, due to sup­ply short­ages of iron ox­ide…). Yeah that's right, rough­ly from #18 till now, every tape i've re­pur­posed has greet­ed me with Die Flip­pers or some shit, what a fuck­ing dis­ap­point­ment! I won­der if with high­er priced tapes (then and now), the stuff pre­vi­ous­ly record­ed on them will grad­u­al­ly get more classy? Or maybe if i go for the ab­solute bot­tom of the bar­rel in­stead, is there a chance i'd en­counter some­thing sur­pris­ing, ac­tu­al­ly? Maybe even some­thing punk-ad­ja­cent? But then again, Punks nev­er throw shit away and al­so won't be able to find that old tape ever again in­side their nu­mer­ous piles of crap. It seems that, de­spite their lack of ac­count­abil­i­ty in all things mu­si­cal and cul­tur­al, schlager fans ap­pear to be a lot bet­ter or­ga­nized when it comes to their lit­tle caves. You know, ac­tu­al­ly sell­ing their old shit on Ebay and all that…

How many bands can i ac­tu­al­ly squeeze on a C-60 if i re­al­ly put my mind to it? Ex­act­ly four­ty, it turns out! Thus, i've now cracked my pre­vi­ous record of thir­ty-eight. So this is a fast one and in turn, the next one will in­evitably be a bit more sleepy. Friends of dark­ness and de­spair may have to to be pa­tient un­til then, i guess.

Oh, and last but not least, there's that lit­tle de­tail you might've al­ready no­ticed of the mix­tapes sound­ing less shit from now on. Ac­tu­al­ly, that has been al­ready the case since #27. In­stead of the un­der­wa­ter gur­gling sounds of yes­ter­year, mix­tapes are gonna shine with some ap­pro­pri­ate­ly Mid-Fi qual­i­ty again. For that to hap­pen, Mix­cloud col­lects a 11€ bribe from me each month. As i'm ac­tu­al­ly a poor suck­er, i cer­tain­ly won't ob­ject if you de­cide to help me foot the bill us­ing the tip­ping fea­ture.

Okay, enough of me talk­ing shit. Now let's lis­ten to some qual­i­ty dung!

Hog­ar Alles ist falsch
LLGOONS Vir­tu­al World
Liq­uid Face Lev­i­tate
Sex Mex Skele­ton
MSOL King Of The Road
Tha Spewz 4 Str 4 Stam
Lafff Box Face
Kla­zo Fast 'n' Loose
Con­nie Voltaire Liq­uids
To­tal Na­da Asim­i­la­cion
Axe Rash Madonna/​Whore

Soft Tor­ture Ar­ti­choke
Tetanus Life is Pain
Quo Vadis Crim­i­nal
Au­to Par­a­site
Lam­ic­tal Vi­o­lent Con­vul­sions
Laf­fer Sav­ing Face
Piss Me Off Re­lief
Schizos Kill Your Town
Counter Con­trol Con­sent
Fu­tile Act! Red Alert
X-Ac­to Smell Like Beef

Sil­i­cone Val­ues 1977
As­panya Ja És Tard
Babe Ruth­less Bad Seed
Μπριτζολιτσεσ Βζιν
208 That House
Split Sys­tem Hit Me
Lex­an Plas­tic Echo Cham­ber
En­e­mic In­te­ri­or En­e­mic In­te­ri­or
Bau Can­cer

Cat­a­stroph­ic Dance En­sem­ble Pay Me
Se­cret Agent Heacheese Spoon Peo­ple
Be­ta Máx­i­mo Soy re­tar­da­do
C.E.O. Yer Not Scum I am
The Uglies 2022
Feed Crim­i­nal Dam­age
Toe Ring This is the End
Bel­ly Jel­ly Goin Up The Coun­try
Zoids Cher­nobyl