Wow, i didn't ex­pect this van­cou­ver group's de­but record to be such a per­fect smash­er. It should al­so turn out to be quite the crowd­pleas­er as far as con­tem­po­rary post punk is con­cerned, turn­ing back the clocks by a decade or two with its de­cid­ed­ly melod­ic ap­proach, re­fined song­writ­ing and tons of catchy hooks, com­bin­ing the strengths of sev­er­al strands of the genre. The most ob­vi­ous com­par­i­son would be ear­ly 2010's bands like The Es­tranged, Crim­i­nal Code, Holo­grams, Au­to­bahn or the more re­cent Girls In Syn­the­sis… but i al­so pick up some echoes of the more straight­for­ward punk side of things á la Xe­tas, Day­light Rob­bery or Anx­ious Liv­ing. And last but not least, groups bor­der­ing on noise pop ter­ri­to­ry in the vein of Piles, Wild Moth or Die! Die! Die! have sure left their mark here aswell.