An­oth­er Tu­nic record, an­oth­er ver­i­ta­ble kick in the teeth. Af­ter their re­cent com­pi­la­tion LP Ex­hal­ing, col­lect­ing their pre­vi­ous sin­gles & EPs, their sec­ond "re­al" al­bum pret­ty much con­tin­ues where they left off with those, while on­ly very cau­tious­ly ex­pand­ing their son­ic vo­cab­u­lary. At times this can feel a bit repet­i­tive to the point where you catch your­self won­der­ing: "Haven't i al­ready heard that song just a minute ago?" That's a mi­nor nit­pick though. As long as these dudes con­tin­ue to wield their noise­mak­ing pow­er­tools with such de­ter­mi­na­tion and raw, over­whelm­ing force, that's more than enough for me.