In my bum­bling quest to get some at least some shit done, here are three posts worth of re­cent hard­core punk stand­outs rolled in­to one. First there are five bursts of rather quirky, un­con­ven­tion­al noise­mak­ing cour­te­sey of Chicago's De­odor­ant, who had al­ready re­leased a fun lit­tle al­bum via Not Nor­mal Tapes in 2018. On their newest EP, they cov­er a lot of ground rang­ing from old­school hard-/post­core weirdos like Sac­cha­rine Trust, Beefeater, Re­al­ly Red or ear­ly Min­ute­men, to more re­cent groups á la Op­tic Nerve and Mys­tic Inane, round­ed out by a few sub­tle cow­punk vibes like in King Samo. If all of that shit's way to smar­ty­pants art­sy for that tiny brain of yours to han­dle, you might pre­fer the way more straight­for­ward ruckus of slight­ly garage-in­fused no-frills old­school may­hem as pre­sent­ed by Dye of Kansas City. But then again, in case that sounds like way too much fun and you pre­fer a bit more death, de­spair and in­san­i­ty in your punk rock, we've got you cov­ered too in the form of Dal­las group Urn's lat­est EP whose re­lent­less at­tack comes off about as dark and mud­dy as a pot of stale burnt cof­fee… dis­gust­ing and vi­tal­iz­ing at the same same time.