In an act of crim­i­nal neg­li­gence i some­how failed to post any of the pre­vi­ous EPs by Smirk, the so­lo Project of Nick Vic­ario whose oth­er groups Pub­lic Eye, Cri­sis Man and Ce­men­to might ring a bell with reg­u­lar vis­i­tors of this blog. Af­ter both EPs were com­piled in­to an LP by Drunk­en Sailor Records ear­li­er this year, we al­ready get to en­joy his newest ex­tend­ed play via To­tal Punk /​ Iron Lung Records on which his ul­tra laid-back though nev­er sleepy take on sam­ple-backed garage punk sounds the most ma­ture yet, more to the point and catch­i­er than ever be­fore.