An awe­some lit­tle de­but mi­ni-LP by a Buenos Aires group. Re­volv­ing around a more-or-less old­school-ish, brass-en­hanced style of garage- and art punk vague­ly rem­i­nis­cent of Down­town Boys, they cer­tain­ly like to mix things up a bit here and there when they oc­ca­sion­al­ly en­ter post punk ter­ri­to­ry or try on a '77-touched Buz­zcocks-meet-Un­der­tones pow­er­pop vibe like in Sin tu amor, keep­ing this a fun and en­ter­tain­ing ride through­out. While not every­thing hits the bulls-eye quite yet (Ya no soy is sim­ply too lit­tle of an ac­tu­al song), most of it works out just beau­ti­ful­ly.