Don't know how i didn't ever stum­ble up­on this San Fran­cis­co dude's out­put be­fore ear­li­er this year, when Mod­ern Needs re­leased a cer­tain killer tape called Sur­vey of the An­i­mal King­dom. Well, what's more im­por­tant is that he's got a new al­bum out al­ready and just as ex­pect­ed, it once again de­liv­ers loads of stu­pid fun made up of some old­school US west coast shit, time­less garage punk and plen­ty of KBD-style weird­ness. Of the cur­rent gen­er­a­tion you might think of Launch­er, Liq­uid As­sets, Frea­kees, Fried E/​M… or of old­er ar­ti­facts by The Men­tal­ly Ill, Nox­ious Fumes. Al­so this time, the gen­er­ous use of Synths cre­ates an un­de­ni­able Aus­muteants feel.