The de­but al­bum by Chica­go group Stuck is pret­ty much every­thing you could hope for and a mas­sive leap in so­phis­ti­ca­tion over their al­ready rock sol­id de­but EP. Just like back then, Stuck still have no in­ten­tion of rein­vent­ing the post­core wheel, but in­stead ex­hib­it a thor­ough un­der­stand­ing of their genre's ins and outs and the skill­ful us­age of its gram­mar and vo­cab­u­lary to quite thrilling ef­fect. While there's un­de­ni­ably some in­flu­ence of their home­town scene of yes­ter­year - as well as the oblig­a­tory traces of 90s Wash­ing­ton - their sound most­ly re­minds me of cur­rent acts such as USA Nails and even more of the re­cent wave of aus­tralian bands like Bat­piss, Bench Press and Noughts.